
Top 5 Problems Commonly Found on A WordPress Website

Wordpress Website Developer

7 Feb 2023

Jade Blair-Clarke

WordPress is one of the top platforms but it isn't without fault, as with all platforms. Here are the top five problems experienced by WordPress website owners & how to combat them.

WordPress is one of the top platforms on the market. Available to people trying to build either a website or an eCommerce site, or both. The reality is, there is no such thing as a perfect system and that’s okay, WordPress is no exception.

But before you get frustrated with the platform and think that a WordPress website isn’t for you, here are the top five problems experienced by WordPress website owners and how to combat them.

#1 Page Loading Speed

Probably one of the biggest complaints that we hear from people is that their page is not loading fast enough. There are several things that you can do to speed this process up. One of these is to install a caching plugin, which speeds up page-loading times for previous visitors.

If you try a caching plugin and page load speed is still an issue, then you may need to look at the other plugins you have installed. For various reasons, existing plugins can slow down a website’s performance. Simply turn each one off then try reloading the page. If the loading speed improves then you will have found the culprit. Many of these plugins are not necessarily meant to work in conjunction with one another. They can drag down your site’s performance.

Finally, if all else fails, it could be a problem with your hosting provider. There may be a faster server option for your site that is still within your preferred budget.

#2 No Built-In Backups

Another pain point that people mention is that there is no way to do an automatic backup of a website straight out of the box. You can manually back up your website, but it can be a challenge to remember to schedule it and make the time for it.

Instead, try downloading a WP backup plugin. When seeking WP backup plugin WordPress users often just use the one offered by the popular tool. There are some other options as well and a bit of research about the best one can be illuminating. There are dozens of WordPress backup plugins on the market, and they will let you schedule a backup in advance and repeat the process at regular intervals (daily, weekly, monthly, etc.) These also give you the opportunity to restore your website with just a click.

#3 Security

A big concern is that WordPress is an open-source platform. This means that the computer code that runs the service is open to programmers who can use and modify the codes to improve the program.

Unfortunately, this also means that hackers have access to the same code. This allows them to inspect it for flaws to exploit. The good news is that there are so many developers that can pour over the code. They often discover these flaws and correct them swiftly. The bottom line is that if you install security plugins and take the necessary steps it can help ensure that your website is safe and secure.

#4 Error Messages

For those just beginning with WordPress, it’s not uncommon to encounter an error message that may leave you confused.

There are reports of numerous error messages. Including what has been nicknamed the “white screen of death” (dramatic we know, and no, it really is not that serious, just scary the first time you see it). The good news is that you can easily utilise the WordPress forums to get answers from people who have dealt with these issues already and often it’s a quick fix.

However, because every WordPress site is usually configured a little bit differently, it can be tough to diagnose the specific issue and fix it without a developer on hand.

#5 Overload

Finally, one of the complaints that we hear is that there are so many customisation options that it can be a bit overwhelming. The first instinct is to throw everything onto your site, but this is going to get expensive with premium plugins and slow you down significantly.

The best thing to do is talk to others who have designed their own WordPress sites and see what worked best for them. Also, be wary of plugins that don’t have many downloads or good reviews. Look for highly rated plugins with lots of downloads; let someone else be the guinea pig for the new plugins.

If you are worried about becoming frustrated with your WordPress website, then don’t despair. It is possible to put together a top-notch site with all of the bugs worked out. You just need to take your time. Learn as you go until you create the perfect site for your needs.


As awesome as the WordPress platform is, not everything will always work flawlessly (like all platforms). With millions of websites using it in thousands of different server setups with an infinite combination of themes and plugins, things are bound to go wrong from time to time.

The problems you have seen above are some of the most common WordPress issues that users encounter.

Fortunately, in most cases, they are due to predictable and solvable problems and can therefore be easily remedied.

Sure, nobody wants to have issues with their sites, however, if they do appear, with the above information you are now fully equipped to deal with them.

Need help launching, updating or improving your WordPress website? Then contact one of our experienced team members today and let’s have a chat about your project.

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