22 Nov 2021
Jonathan Ward
No doubt, software apps have been gaining a lot of attention and traffic in recent years. By avoiding these common errors during development, you can successfully position your web app to become a reliable tool and maybe even a source of revenue.
Web applications power todays businesses. From productivity software to marketing and customer service tools, a web app allows us to get work done quickly and efficiently, no matter whether we’re working in the office or remotely.
A web app is an application that uses a web browser as the user interface. They rely on internet access an can launch on any device, including a desktop computer or in a mobile device browser on a phone or tablet. Web apps are designed to be responsive, they will adjust to look good on any any device. Furthermore, they are designed to be interactive.
Web App vs Website – Is There A Difference?
You’re right to ask that question, the lines between web app and website can be a little blurry. Here’s the real difference. A website can be a static page that only gives out information and may or may not have an input dependability. A web app on the other hand, is a dynamic web application that responds to user input and allows the user to perform certain tasks over the Internet. So in short, any website that has client-side component that allows users to perform a task can be called a web app. Web apps are designed to perform specific tasks that help user solve a problem. Websites can exist merely to provide information.
Mistakes To Avoid During Development
No doubt, software apps have been gaining a lot of attention and traffic in recent years. By avoiding these common errors during development, you can successfully position your web app to become a reliable tool and maybe even a source of revenue.
1. Failing To Understand What You And Your Users Want Or Need
Business owners have to do enough research before deciding to develop a mobile app. Remember, every business and app development process has a different set of objectives. You’ll have to consider a large number of factors before starting. Figure out the what and what for. Think of the primary objective of your app, the nature of your business, target audiences, competition, and the unique selling point (USP). When it comes to developing a web app for your business , thorough research can help save you ton of time and money. You need to make sure that you’re developing an app with a focus on your customers’ or users needs.
2. Communicating Your Web App Ideas Ineffectively
It’s important that to clearly communicate your expectations in the beginning. Just like every business venture, communication is a central component of every successful web app development project. Getting developers to see the entire idea of your app may seem like an uphill task, but its one you have to commit to nonetheless. How well you do this can make all the difference in the results you get. When it comes to an entirely new piece of software, detailed documentation packed with all the necessary visuals and descriptions will come in very handy. This will ensure your project stays on track from the beginning and guarantees the best possible end product.
3. Creating Needless Functionality
Don’t be so quick to implement all possible functionality. You may create a complex user flow which will result in the unintuitive interface and the delayed product launch. Besides, these features may be unnecessary and will lead to a waste of time and budget. That’s why you should first start with an app that serves the primary purpose of your business. You can then slowly introduce new features, update and optimise them based on users’ feedback.
4. Underestimating Web App Build Times
People often underestimate the amount of time needed to implement projects, particularly when they’re not familiar with the work that needs to be done.
On average, apps can take anywhere between three and nine months to develop, depending on the complexity of the app and structure of your project. Each stage in the process takes different amounts of time to complete. That your app development company talk you through the process and stages of the project, give you an indication as to which stages will take the most amount of time and leave room for testing, feedback, iterations and improvements. Chances are, there will always be bumps on the road to deployment. Save yourself some time and hardship by scheduling in some extra cushion time in case it is needed.
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5. Skipping Post Build Testing
Another popular misconception is that you can do without testing. At first sight, it may seem that your app is functioning properly. In reality, some functions and operations may not be working as they should. Test, test and test your app before you launch it to your users. Testing is a long, continuous and evolving process which should be carried out during the entire development process of the app. It is not only crucial to keep your app’s design optimum and intuitive but also to remove the bugs and other problems with the app. An untested app will undoubtedly fall short of people’s expectation and will face way too many glitches than expected. As a result, disappointed users may give up on using your application all together.
6. Forgetting About Usability
Sometimes you need more than a visually appealing design and extensive functionality to satisfy yours users. In this instance, make your web application intuitive to the max. This means that when users interact with the web app for the first time they should have little to no questions regarding how to use it. Laws keep your users/customers in mind when developing your product. Firstly, focus your user’s attention on the core functionality. Secondly, follow the key usability principles to make your app user-friendly:
- Availability and Accessibility
- Clarity/Simplicity
- Learnability
- Integrity
- Relevancy
7. Ignoring User Feedback
Okay, so you have successfully launched your app but you, your developers and designers can’t sit back and relax just yet. Creating apps doesn’t end with the launch, every app should be improved constantly and the best way to discover the areas in which it needs refining is by listening to your user feedback. Surprisingly, not many app owners do this. The product/app is ultimately used by the customers or employees and considering what they have to say about the app is vital for its success, as well as that of the company. Users will look for a substitute if they notice that you continually ignore their input.
Ending Note
Web application development is a strategic business advantage. Web apps are a better option than its counterparts as they are useful any user, without being limited by their device, operating system or network. Anyone with an internet connection and sometimes even those without one can use a web app to utilise the full services of any business. So focus on best practices and avoid common roadblocks that will ensure your web app grows. Connect with us and build your web application successfully without errors.
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