From a security point of view, there are build aspects, server setups and specific programs and configuration that all aid in the prevention of a breach.
We base our development framework on a secure pathway ensuring we use the latest development encryption techniques, two-factor authentication, Secure Socket Layers (SSLs), and SUDO structured databases.
When it comes to server security, we have a vast array of services available. We have applications that will monitor any threats or attacks which report 24/7 hours a day, 365 days a year. We have DDOS prevention applications as well as complex firewall setups.
Adding that extra layer of security
A lot of our larger clients require penetration tests on their software applications we develop due to the sensitivity of the data that is held within. A penetration test can vary in size depending on the complexity of the project and how the architecture of the system is setup.
For our e-Commerce based projects depending on the payment provider you choose, we can assist with your PCI compliance documentation and scans. Most providers will scan the web servers to find potential issues and entry points. We have experience with leading providers such as Trustwave and Elavon.
Get in touch with us today to see how we can help you take that next step to securing your website or application.
Technical Services